...summer is coming. We all know it exists, however elusive and rare it may seem. It has been quite some time since my last update (well, DUH, right?), so I thought I should come up with something.
I got my motorcycle permit today, and promptly put about 40 miles on the bike - it is an absolute joy to ride. I still need to find a new seat; duct tape just doesn't do it for me.
My practical test for my motorcycle endorsement is June 10th; hopefully the weather will cooperate and it will be a beautiful day.
In other news, I'm back in school this Spring/Summer. Not surprisingly, I'm enjoying it about as much as I was when I was in before - i.e. not a whole lot. I'll be done soon enough, though, and I can move on to something more interesting. With the exception of my photography class (because I will take pictures whether I need to or not), I could think of many other ways I would rather spend my time (and money!)...but if I follow my current pace, I should have my AA degree in September.